
Islam never banned slavery! It did not discriminate with slavery, Muslims or none Muslims, white or black, women or men, young or old. There is, however, a recommendation to be humane and release those who convert! Here we focus on two topics: Slavery in general and Women Slavery in particular:

Slavery in Islam

I challenge anyone who can give me a clear black & white verse in the Torah, Bible, Quran or Hadith that says owning of slaves is forbidden (haram!). Please spare us your apologetic and pathetic attempts to reinterpret stuff. For hundreds of years, your ancestors did not read your book right? Seriously???

My knowledge is Islam and that is what I will focus on with evidence. Islam does not discriminate, you can be white or black, you can be a slave – hurraaay!! The Quran talks about ملك اليمين or what your right hand possess four times Quran 23:1-6; 33:50; 70:29-30; 4:24…and more. It refers to women war bounty slavery, taken from tribes and nations that lost to Islamic conquests (فتوحات) and Muhammad owned these concubines as the Islamic sources show:

Slaves Owned by Muhammad:
“These are the names of Muhammad’s male slaves: Yakan Abu Sharh, Aflah, ‘Ubayd, Dhakwan, Tahman, Mirwan, Hunayn, Sanad, Fadala Yamamin, Anjasha al-Hadi, Mad’am, Karkara, Abu Rafi’, Thawban, Ab Kabsha, Salih, Rabah, Yara Nubyan, Fadila, Waqid, Mabur, Abu Waqid, Kasam, Abu ‘Ayb, Abu Muwayhiba, Zayd Ibn Haritha, and also a black slave called Mahran, who was re-named (by Muhammad) Safina (`ship’).” Zad al-Ma’ad, pp. 114-116

Muhammad’s right hand possess Slaves “are Salma Um Rafi’, Maymuna daughter of Abu Asib, Maymuna daughter of Sa’d, Khadra, Radwa, Razina, Um Damira, Rayhana, Mary the Coptic, in addition to two other maid-slaves, one of them given to him as a present by his cousin, Zaynab, and the other one captured in a war.” Zad al-Ma’ad, pp. 114-116

And the Authentic Hadith confirms: Then I put on my clothes and went to Allah’s Apostle’s residence, and behold, he was staying in an upper room of his to which he ascended by a ladder, and a black slave of Allah’s Apostle was (sitting) on the first step. I said to him, ‘Say (to the Prophet ) ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab is here.’… Sahih Bukhari 6:60:435

If you dare to research “Slave trade in Islam” you will be in for a shock. We had been trading slaves 1100 years before the west started the transatlantic slave trade. What is more, the European did not get their hand dirty getting those slaves from forests or fighting tribes… Guess who did the dirty work for them for pennies? Subhan Allah.

Women Slavery:

Many of these early photographs are found in Museum’s and online catalogues by explorers visiting the Middle East and North Africa. Just search now “Arab slave trade” read and see for yourself!!
The evidence shows how people of these countries traded in slaves. Where did this trade come from? It comes from the term Melk Alamein ( ملك اليميين) or “what your right hand possess” . Mentioned in the Quran at least 4 times: Quran [33:50] ; [23:5-6] ; [70:27-30] ; and [4:24]. Don’t just get angry, read and educate yourself.
You know how easy for Muhammad and Allah to have the moral high ground? Three words:
Slavery is Haram! Instead, Muhammad owned and traded in slaves.
Slaves Owned by Muhammad:
The Slaves’ Names “These are the names of Muhammad’s male slaves: Yakan Abu Sharh, Aflah, ‘Ubayd, Dhakwan, Tahman, Mirwan, Hunayn, Sanad, Fadala Yamamin, Anjasha al-Hadi, Mad’am, Karkara, Abu Rafi’, Thawban, Ab Kabsha, Salih, Rabah, Yara Nubyan, Fadila, Waqid, Mabur, Abu Waqid, Kasam, Abu ‘Ayb, Abu Muwayhiba, Zayd Ibn Haritha, and also a black slave called Mahran, who was re-named (by Muhammad) Safina (`ship’).”[2] Zad al-Ma’ad, pp. 114-116
Muhammad’s female Slaves “are Salma Um Rafi’, Maymuna daughter of Abu Asib, Maymuna daughter of Sa’d, Khadra, Radwa, Razina, Um Damira, Rayhana, Mary the Coptic, in addition to two other maid-slaves, one of them given to him as a present by his cousin, Zaynab, and the other one captured in a war.”[2] Zad al-Ma’ad, pp. 114-116
Muhammad Bought More Slaves Than he Sold’ “Mohammed had many male and female slaves. He used to buy and sell them, but he purchased more slaves than he sold, especially after God empowered him by His message, as well as after his immigration from Mecca. He once sold one black slave for two. His name was Jacob al-Mudbir. His purchases of slaves were more than he sold. He was used to renting out and hiring many slaves, but he hired more slaves than he rented out.”[3] Zad al-Ma’ad, p. 160 See less.

Is the Quran Racist?

Does that sound racist to you? Well, it does sound to us.
From one side Muhammad did free some slaves and did promote Bilal (former slave) as chief caller of prayer. On the other hand, Muhammad traded slaves and Islam never banned slavery. Only slaves who converted to Islam COULD quality for freedom as the Authentic Hadith shows:
“Jabir reported: There came a slave and pledged allegiance to Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man). Sahih Muslim 10:3901

Slaves Sold by Muhammad:
Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah: A man amongst us declared that his slave would be freed after his death. The Prophet called for that slave and sold him. The slave died the same year. Sahih Bukhari 3:46:711

Slavery was not restricted to any specific race. But our history, Quran, and Hadith paints a very uncomfortable image. Take this verse Quran (3:106), are we judging it by our current standards? But surely Allah knows everything – could the writer not simply replaced the words with happy and sad – not black and white.
Quran source: More instances like this are found here:’an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Racism

Islam does not discriminate!

If you want to admire Islam for something, we should admire it for the fact they did not discriminate on slavery! Yes, you can be black or you can be white… You can be any race, you can be slaves. And why not?
As the Hadith shows that slaves are none taxable commodity in Islam:
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “There is no Zakat (tax) either on a horse or a slave belonging to a Muslim” Sahih Bukhari 2:24:542
Not sure of the next Hadith is more insulting to slaves or wives:
Narrated ‘Abdullah bin Zam’a: The Prophet said, “None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day.” Sahih Bukhari 7:62:132

Muhammad had so many slaves as reported here:
Muhammad’s women Slaves “are Salma Um Rafi’, Maymuna daughter of Abu Asib, Maymuna daughter of Sa’d, Khadra, Radwa, Razina, Um Damira, Rayhana, Mary the Coptic, in addition to two other maid-slaves, one of them given to him as a present by his cousin, Zaynab, and the other one captured in a war.” Zad al-Ma’ad, pp. 114-116

Many of these paintings are found in Museum’s around Europe drawn by Western artists visiting the Middle East and North Africa. They represent how people of these countries traded in slaves.A study found as much as 1 million white slaves where kidnapped and sold in the Islamic world, mostly women! Where did this trade come from? It comes from the term Melk Alamein (ملك اليمين) or what your right hand possess. Mentioned in the Quran at least 4 times: Quran [33:50] ; [23:5-6] ; [70:27-30] ; and [4:24]. Don’t just get angry, read and educate yourself.

So Islam did not ban slavery but allowed it regardless of race. But here is the twist: the preference was “white women” and “custrated black men”.

You can read more about it here: .

The Story of Safiyah!

The first time I heard this story in religion class, I froze. Could not believe that no one else seems to see a very disturbing element, despite the teacher trying hard to make it sound “majestic” and a lesson of morality for us all!! WTF is moral in this story?

Safiyah bint Huyayy was the bride of Kinana the chef Jewish tribes of Quraiza and An-Nadir. Muhammad captured and married her after killing her husband.

When the Muslims invaded and conquered Khaybar, all men and boys reaching puberty were killed. Puberty test was to strip the boys looking for any puberty hair. Boys as young as 12 were slaughtered.

Safiyah was taken captive (along with the rest of the women and children) and allotted as booty to Dihya Al-Kalbi, one of the Mujahiden. Kinana was tortured and executed by the Muslims in order to discover the hiding places of treasure, and one source relates that he and Safiyah had been married only one day.

Safiyah was destined to be ملك اليمين or what your right hand possess – a women war bounty and slave. She was so beautiful, that many of the fighters began praising her in the presence of Muhammad, and so the prophet commanded that Dihya be brought before him along with Safiyah. Upon seeing her, Muhammad said, “Take any slave girl other than her from the captives” and he selected her for himself. On return to Medina they stopped at a place called Sidd-as-Sahba; it was at this time Safiyah became clean from her menses. A rushed up “marriage banquet” consisted of haris (a kind of dish) served on a small leather sheet. Muhammad stayed three nights there and consummated his marriage with Safiyah. M Muhammad set off and forced her to wear a veil as she rode behind him on his camel. He considered setting her “freedom from slavery” to be an adequate mahr (dowry). Yaaayeee. ISIS does not represent Islam!

You can read more about her story here:


Here are sources if you dare to look:
– Slavery:,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Slavery
– Sexual Slavery:
Presented by Ex-Muslim who used to be a Dawah man:

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